
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017

Notable & Quotable

  • "Michelle Carter sentenced to prison, but will remain free pending appeal," Boston Herald, (August 3) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy was quoted in coverage of Michelle Carter's sentencing. Originally issued at the time of the verdict, Healy's quotes were featured in many outlets across the country including the Washington Post.
  • "Appeal in Michelle Carter case may take years to resolve, experts say," Boston Globe (August 3) -- Former chair of the MBA's Criminal Justice Section Peter Elikann provided post-sentencing analysis in the Michelle Carter case. Elikann was also quoted by MassLive on the conditions of Carter's probation which prohibit her from profiting from book or television deals.
  • "Appeals Court: Zoning Act doesn't preempt local bylaw," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 7) -- MBA member James G. Wagner was quoted on a recent Appeals Court ruling.
  • "Fired worker can't bring Wage Act retaliation claim," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 7) -- MBA members Jeffrey S. Morneau and Daniel S. Field provided commentary on a recent Superior Court decision.
  • "Spiraling expenses a focus of child support guidelines," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 7) -- MBA members Fern L. Frolin, Lloyd D. Godson, Gabriel Cheong and Marc E. Fitzgerald were quoted in a piece on new child support guidelines in Probate & Family Court, which take effect Sept. 15.