
Notable & Quotable: In Other News

Thursday, Sep. 29, 2016

Notable 2

Articles, blogs and other news recently shared on the Massachusetts Bar Association's social media sites.

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SJC ruling makes it harder for police to seize cellphones (Boston Globe)

22 people in legal you should follow on Twitter (Clio, shared by @LouisianaBar)

For tenants facing eviction, New York may guarantee a lawyer (New York Times)

Judge rules against Mark Fidrych's widow in wrongful death suit (Telegram & Gazette)

ACLU appeals to toss 24,000 cases (Boston Herald)

Workers rights in Massachusetts: Workers' compensation (Mass.Gov blog, shared by @mromara30)

Tweeting reporters allowed in court? (, shared by @smjuror)

A podcast for all lawyers who use Apple mobile devices (, shared by @LegalTalkNet)

9 leadership books every boss and manager should read (Spaces, shared by shared by MBA President Jeffrey N. Catalano @MassAdvocate)