
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Apr. 21, 2016

Notable & Quotable

  • "Participants in Massachusetts' drug courts are overwhelmingly white," The Republican (April 20) -- Peter Elikann, chair of the MBA Criminal Justice Section Council, was quoted on the importance of access to drug courts in lowering the recidivism rate.
  • Ruling leaves fate of stun gun ban unclear," Boston Herald (April 18) -- MBA members Karen L. MacNutt and Keith G. Langer were quoted as legal experts on the Second Amendment.
  • "Ruling leaves fate of stun gun ban unclear," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 18) -- MBA members Karen L. MacNutt and Keith G. Langer were quoted as legal experts on the Second Amendment.
  • "Lawsuit against Texas vendor to be heard in Massachusetts,'" Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 18) -- MBA member David Himelfarb was quoted as a commercial litigation expert.
  • Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 18) -- MBA member Stephen K. Sugarman was quoted in the Hearsay column about a recent partnership formed with Shapiro & Associates.