
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, May. 28, 2015

Notable & Quotable


District attorney layoffs

Healy for Notable

"The more that a case is delayed, the more the memories of the parties fade. It would obviously affect the level of evidence that's being admitted into the courtroom. That affects the quality of justice."

MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, WBUR, May 26

Healy was interviewed by WBUR as part of a story on four prosecutors being laid off in Norfolk County due to statewide budget cuts.



"It's a bit of a frightening situation because these are the people in the front lines. They do the lion's share of the work. It's of great concern that you have to start laying people off. The end result is, people won't have access to justice."

MBA President Marsha V. Kazarosian, Boston Herald, May 26

Kazarosian was quoted in a Boston Herald story on the DA layoffs in Norfolk County. She was also interviewed by WBZ NewsRadio 1030.


Of note:

  • In addition to the quote above, MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy was quoted in a Republican/MassLive story (May 27) on a judiciary committee hearing that involved testimony on a bill that would expand the state's housing courts.
  • MBA members Michael S. Gove and Diana S. Velez Harris were featured in the monthly legal Q&A column in the Republican/ ("Ask the Experts: Keep record when asking landlord to make repairs" - May 27).
  • Recipients of the MBA's Access to Justice Awards were featured in the Standard-Times/SouthCoastToday (May 24). The awards were presented at the MBA's Annual Dinner in Boston on May 7.