SJC decision in drug lab

"We don't quite have a handle on the exact number
still, years later."
MBA Chief Legal Counsel and
Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, Boston Globe, May 18
Healy was quoted in a Globe piece on a Supreme Judicial
Court decision in the Bridgeman case, concerning the
fallout from the egregious conduct of former chemist Annie
Dookhan's actions at the Hinton drug lab. The story was also
covered by the Associated Press and ran in several outlets both
nationally and internationally. The AP story quoted from the MBA's
May 18 statement.
Of note:
- Peter Elikann, vice chair of the MBA's Criminal Justice Section
Council, was interviewed by FOX25 (May 15) after Tsarnaev was
sentenced to death in the penalty phase of the Boston Marathon
bombing federal trial.
- MBA member Michael Siddall appeared on the MassAppeal show (WWLP 22News) to promote the
MBA's Western Mass. Dial-A-Lawyer Program (May 19). The Western
Mass. Dial-A-Lawyer program was also featured on MassLive.com.