Top: Chief Justice of the Trial Court Paula M. Carey (center) speaks to attendees about district court practices at the Jan. 30 Bench-Bar Meeting in Brockton.
Bottom (from left): Plymouth District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz, MBA President-elect Robert W. Harnais and Chief Justice of the District Court Paul C. Dawley.
The Massachusetts Trial Court's District Court Department, in
partnership with the Massachusetts Bar Association and local county
bar associations, is holding a series of bench-bar gatherings
across the commonwealth to facilitate increased dialogue between
judges, clerk magistrates, chief probation officers, local
practitioners and other court personnel.
The first Bench-Bar Meeting was held on Jan. 30 in Brockton. The
next meeting is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 27, from 2:30 to 4:30
p.m. at Salem District Court, 56 Federal St., Salem, and will
include remarks from Chief Justice of the Trial Court Paula M.
Carey and Chief Justice of the District Court Paul C. Dawley.
The goal of the bench-bar outreach effort is to inform
practitioners of recent developments in the District Court and to
work together with the bar to improve District Court practice. We
welcome local members of the bar to participate in what promises to
be a worthwhile and interesting discussion.