
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015

Notable & Quotable


New instruction on eyewitness ID


"We're not saying anybody's lying. But the human brain is a very complicated organ and its memory is not perfect."

MBA Criminal Justice Section Vice Chair Peter Elikann, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, November 25

Elikann was interviewed about a new set of model jury instructions on eyewitness identification released by the Supreme Judicial Court on Nov. 16.


Of note:

  • A press release on new member benefit Fastcase ran in several online publications. (Dec. 1)
  • MBA members Michael S. Gove and Susan A. McCoy were featured in the monthly legal Q&A column in the The Republican/ ("Ask the Experts: Law sets requirements banks must meet to impose inactivity fees" - Nov. 25).