
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Jul. 31, 2014

Notable & Quotable


Market Basket Dispute

chowstephen"Even if Market Basket went under completely, that real property is of enormous value."

MBA Past Business Law Section Co-Chair Stephen Y. Chow, NECN, July 24

Chow was interviewed by New England Cable News for a piece on the value of the Market Basket chain amidst the ongoing dispute between Arthur T. and Arthur S. Demoulas over control of company. "Clearly here, the loyalty of employees is very much involved in the value of the company, because this company can't seem to move, continue operating effectively, with the employees being so loyal to Arthur T.," said Chow.


Gants Swearing In

murphydenise"I don't always agree with him, but I always respect him."

MBA House of Delegates and Executive Management Board member Denise I. Murphy, Springfield Republican/, July 28

Murphy was quoted by the Springfield Republican in a story about the swearing in of Justice Ralph D. Gants as the 37th chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. MBA Past President David W. White was also quoted in the piece referring to Gants as "diligent, creative, thoughtful, courteous and wise."


Of Note:

  • MBA Past Criminal Justice Section Chair Peter Elikann was featured as a live guest on New England Cable News (NECN) as part of a segment on an arrest made in the Abigail Hernandez kidnapping case. (July 29)
  • MBA Past President Richard P. Campbell was featured as a live guest on New England Cable News (NECN) as part of a segment on alcohol-related problems at a recent concert at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield. (July 28)