
Governor names MBA to commission on assistant prosecutor/public defender pay

Thursday, Jul. 31, 2014
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Massachusetts Gov. Deval L. Patrick has filed an executive order naming the Massachusetts Bar Association to a commission charged with studying the compensation of assistant district attorneys and public defenders.

The state Legislature initially rejected the commission study proposed by the governor in a FY 2015 budget amendment. However, the governor utilized his executive powers to ensure the formation of the commission with an executive order filed July 28.

The MBA's Blue Ribbon Commission on Criminal Justice Attorney Compensation published a report earlier this year which highlights the woeful compensation received by assistant district attorneys, public defenders and bar advocates in Massachusetts

"We are grateful for the opportunity to continue our leadership in this area and look forward to working with the governor and his commission to find a solution that properly addresses this critical public safety issue," said MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy.