
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Apr. 24, 2014

Notable & Quotable



Back Bay Fire Negligence Lawsuit

Sheff for Notable

"Negligence means simply acting in an unreasonable manner. In this complaint, the plaintiff alleges several allegations which could be considered unreasonable behavior."

MBA President Douglas K. Sheff, FOX25 Evening News, April 22

Sheff provided FOX25 with legal insight into a negligence lawsuit filed in relation to the Back Bay fire at 298 Beacon Street that claimed the lives of two Boston firefighters. Referring to welding being done at 296 Beacon Street that allegedly started the fire, Sheff told WBUR's "All Things Considered" that "This is an ultra-hazardous activity and that can in the eyes of the law raise the responsibility of the building owner." MBA President-elect Marsha Kazarosian also appeared on FOX25 to discuss the lawsuit on April 23.


Tsarnaev Case

Notable Kazarosian

"They're trying their best to point to someone else and say he's just a young, duped kid tagging along after his brother."

MBA President-elect Marsha V. Kazarosian, FOX25 Morning News, April 18

Kazarosian went Case-By-Case with FOX25 and addressed the latest developments in the Tsarnaev case as well as a federal lawsuit filed against General Motors. She also made an April 21 appearance on FOX25 to discuss new developments in the Jeremiah Oliver case. "Hopefully something good will come out of it," said Kazarosian. "Maybe they'll have more funding for DCF to take care of these kids. There are so many kids in that system."


Gants SJC Nomination

Healy for Notable

"Justice Gants has worked his way up from the trenches of law practice and has the strong intellectual fire power to boldly lead the court."

MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, State House News, April 17

Gov. Deval L. Patrick announced last week that he has nominated Ralph D. Gants to serve as the next Cheif Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. Healy was also quoted in the Boston Globe and the Associated Press. Healy noted in the Globe article that Gants helped establish a new legal process for subprime mortgage cases, shifting the burden from borrowers to banks and lenders. "It was a major shift of the burden, and it was a case cited throughout the country," said Healy. MBA President Douglas K. Sheff was also quoted on the selection of Gants in the Boston Herald. "A lot of the time, judges think they're beyond reproach, but he's a guy who will pull you aside and have a genuine conversation," said Sheff.