
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013

Notable & Quotable


Boston school bus strike

Notable Harnais

"It is troubling. There is a process. They have their grievance process. … They can go through expedited arbitration. They can file a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board. There are things they can do other than what they did."

MBA Treasurer Robert W. Harnais, Fox25 Boston, Oct. 9, 2013

Harnais appeared as a legal analyst on Fox25's morning program to talk about the legal implications of the strike by Boston school bus drivers, which happened the day before.


Traumatic brain injury - Marathon Bombing

Sheff for Notable

"One Fund is doing the same thing that, frankly, insurance companies and, frankly, doctors are still doing to this day" -- not treating brain injuries seriously because they sometimes have no obvious physical symptoms.

MBA President Douglas K. Sheff, Washington Post, Oct. 2, 2013

Sheff discussed traumatic brain injuries in an article about Joanna Leigh, Ph.D., who suffered a traumatic brain injury during the Marathon Bombing. The article mentions how Leigh and other bombing victims are planning to petition the One Fund to create a new plan for distributing benefits, which takes into consideration injuries that may not present right away, such as brain injuries.


Book review

"Not only does Excellence contain a treasure trove of actual cross-examinations from some of the nation's most famous trials, the text also provides a wealth of information necessary for the success of any trial lawyer."

MBA Past President Edward P. Ryan Jr.,
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, Oct. 7, 2013

In Lawyers Weekly's "Fine Print" feature, Ryan reviews Excellence in Cross Examination, by F. Lee Bailey and Kenneth J. Fishman (Thomson West, June 2013). Ryan, a Fitchburg trial lawyer, says the book is "without question a must-read for any lawyer seeking to be a master of trial advocacy."


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