Top: MBF President Jerry Cohen of Burns & Levinson LLP presents the 2013 President’s Award to Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC. Managing Partner Thomas S. Fitzpatrick (pictured right), accepts the award on behalf of the firm.
Second from top: Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC attorneys at the MBF's 2013 Grantee Reception in Boston.
Second from bottom: Frank A. Smith III, of the Law Offices of Frank A. Smith III, and Jayne Tyrrell of the MA IOLTA Committee.
Bottom (from left): Rosa Previdi of Legal Advocacy Resource Center, Janet Donovan and Stephanie Brown of Casa Myrna Vasquez, and Barbara Mitchell of Community Legal Services and Counseling Center.
Photos courtesy of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation.
Massachusetts Bar Foundation fellows and friends celebrated the
foundation's 2013 grantees, legal intern fellows and President's
Award recipient Davis, Malm D'Agostine PC, on Sept. 26, at the MBA
in Boston.
Through its various grantmaking programs, the MBF will distribute
more than $2.15 million this year to support programs that either
provide civil legal services to low income clients, or improve the
administration of justice in the state. Last year, MBF grantees
assisted more than 75,000 people in need.
MBF President Jerry Cohen began the night by applauding all in
attendance for their role in increasing access to justice in the
commonwealth. He then invited Sheila C. Casey, executive director
of Neighborhood Legal Services in Lynn, to give attendees a
first-hand account of an MBF grantee's day-to-day work.
Cohen introduced and presented the 2013 President's Award to
Davis Malm Managing Partner Thomas S. Fitzpatrick, who accepted the
award on behalf of the firm. The MBF President's Award is given to
individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exemplary
service to the MBF, as well as to the Massachusetts legal
MBA President Douglas K. Sheff closed out the program with
congratulations for the attendees and appreciation for the MBF's
work assisting our most vulnerable neighbors across the state.
Look for full event coverage in the November issue of
Lawyers Journal.