Photo Credit: Merrill Shea
MBF President Jerry Cohen (right) presents the 2013 Great Friend of Justice Award to Leo V. Boyle at the 2013 Annual Meeting.
At its recent annual meeting, the Massachusetts Bar Foundation
honored Massachusetts Bar Association Past President Leo V. Boyle
of Meehan, Boyle, Black & Bogdanow PC, with its Great Friend of
Justice Award. This award is presented annually to an individual
who has demonstrated extraordinary passion for justice, consistent
with the MBF's values and mission.
A standing ovation followed MBF President Jerry Cohen's
introduction of Boyle.
"In addition to his tireless advocacy for injured clients,
attorney Boyle's longstanding commitment and dedication to public
service exemplify the ideals the MBF's Great Friend of Justice
Award recognizes," Cohen said. "From his guidance of professional
associations, including the Massachusetts Bar Association and the
American Association for Justice, to his vision for the formation
of the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund to his role as an original
and long-term member of the Trial Court's Court Management Advisory
Board, attorney Boyle has made significant contributions to the
betterment of the nation, the legal community and countless
individuals' lives."
In his stirring keynote address, Boyle spoke movingly of our
justice system and commended the MBF and its grantees for ensuring
equal access to it.
"It is so precious what we do . . . you have a judge, pristine
and devoted to delivering complete, fair justice, to a fair fight
between parties. And money doesn't matter, power doesn't matter,
politics don't matter. Twelve people came in off the street and
they declare the truth," he proclaimed.
But individuals need the legal profession to access this grand
system, Boyle explained.
"The ring is fair and square and the playing field is even, but
without the lawyer, they can't get in the ring . . . this
foundation is devoted to bringing those resources to everyone, to
the most disenfranchised and the most limited. How magnificent is
Boyle also took the opportunity to thank his colleagues and
credit them for much of his success, citing his mother's advice to
surround oneself with good company.
"It never fails. If you're lucky enough to have around you these
great people that I've had around me my whole professional life,
what follows is complete joy in your life as a lawyer and the
ability to deliver services and some measure of justice to people
who have been harmed."