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Don't miss the 2017 Annual Dinner, May 4

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017
Join our growing list of MBA Annual Dinner sponsors
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The Massachusetts Bar Association will hold its 2017 Annual Dinner on Thursday, May 4, at the Westin Boston Waterfront, 425 Summer St., Boston. CNN senior analyst and best-selling author Jeffrey Toobin will deliver the keynote address.

The Annual Dinner will include the presentation of the 2017 MBA Gold Medal Award to Robert J. Muldoon Jr., the 2017 Access to Justice Awards, the Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Scholarship and more.

Consider attending this annual event as a sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities include:

  • Champions of Justice ($10,000)
    Up to two tables for 10, full page ad in dinner program, firm name/logo projected at the dinner, sponsorship level recognition in Lawyers Journal and displayed on MBA website, additional prominent recognition at the dinner
  • Platinum Sponsor ($5,000)
    Table for 10, full page ad in dinner program, firm name/logo projected at the dinner, sponsorship level recognition in Lawyers Journal and displayed on MBA website
  • Gold Sponsor ($3,500)
    Table for 10, 1/2 page ad in dinner program, firm name/logo projected at the dinner, sponsorship level recognition in Lawyers Journal and displayed on MBA website
  • Silver Sponsor ($2,500)
    Table for 10, 1/4 page ad in dinner program, firm name/logo projected at the dinner

Click here for a printable PDF outlining the above sponsorship opportunities. For additional information call (617) 338-0530.