Learn how attorneys can meet the needs of deaf and
hard of hearing individuals, both in and out of court. Panelists from the
Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) will discuss
recent updates and developments in this area. During this interactive program,
attorneys will receive advice and practical training on how to meet the
communications, access and accommodations needs of their clients.
The program will offer ASL interpreters and CART
services for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Lorianne M. Sainsbury-Wong, Esq., CPCO, Program Chair & Panelist
Franciscan Children's Home, Brighton
Nicholas B. Carter, Esq., Moderator
Todd & Weld LLP, Boston
Heather Artinian, Panelist
SJC Rule 3:03 Counsel, Harvard Legal Aid Bureau
Alison M. Fondo, J.D., Panelist
Massachusetts Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Plymouth
Stephanie E. Goldenhersh, Esq., Panelist
Clinical Instructor, Harvard Legal Aid Bureau
Jonathan O'Dell, Panelist
Massachusetts Commission for Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Springfield