Join us for the 2017 Annual Health Law symposium. We are honored that Alice
Moore, Massachusetts Undersecretary of Health and Human Services will deliver
this year's keynote address. Symposium highlights include two plenary sessions
on Medical Malpractice featuring Massachusetts Bar Association President,
Jeffrey N. Catalano, and Privacy of Health Care Information in the Practice of
Law. In addition to the Plenary Sessions, choose from three concurrent
programming tracks dealing with issues in litigation, policy, and compliance and
The Massachusetts Bar Association is offering this year's
symposium free of charge thanks to the generosity of the following
Harbor One Bank
Space is limited. Advance registration is strongly
8:00-9:00 a.m.: Check-in and continental breakfast
provided by MBA
9:00-9:05 a.m.: Welcoming Remarks from Health Law
Section Chair
9:05-10:05: Plenary
Medical Malpractice
Jeffrey N.
Catalano, Esq., President, Massachusetts Bar Association
Todd & Weld,
10:05-10:55 a.m.: Track
Discussion on the Massachusetts Medical Malpractice
Scott Heidorn, Esq., Plaintiff Counsel
& Pollack, PC
Stephen M. Fiore, Esq., Defense Counsel
Foster &
Eldridge, LLP
Hon. Gregg Pasquale, Massachusetts Superior Court
Rising Drug Prices and Prospects for Reform
Enrique Seoane-Vasquez, Ph.D., Director of the International Center for
Pharmaceutical Economic and Policy
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and
Health Sciences, Boston
Ameet Sarpatwari, JD, Ph.D., Assistant Director,
Program On Regulation, Therapeutics, And Law (PORTAL)
Brigham and Women's
Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Self Disclosures:
Navigating the OIG and CMS/Stark Law Self Disclosure Protocols
John W. O’Brien, Esq., Senior Counsel
Office of Counsel to the Inspector
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Melissa (Lisa)
Thompson, JD, MPH
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Networking Break
11:05-noon: Track B
Complex Health Care Disputes: What Advocates Need to Know
Conna Weiner, Esq.
Conna Weiner ADR, Boston
Patrick Sheehan,
Whatley Kallas, LLP
The 21st Century Cancer Cures Act
Fred Frankenhauser, Esq., Director of Contracts & Grants
Medical Center
Josephine Babiarz, Esq., Associate Professor
Specialty Prescription Drug Cost Trends and
Reimbursement Arrangements
Stephen B. Vogel, Assistant
Attorney General
Health Care Division
Office of the Massachusetts Attorney
Noon-12:30: Lunch Provdided by the
12:30-1:15: Keynote
Alice Moore, Massachusetts Undersecretary of
Health and Human Services
Networking Break
1:25-2:10: Track C
Preparing a
Medical Expert for Deposition or Trial
Frank Riccio, DMD, JD
Law Office of Frank J. Riccio
How state ACA and Medicaid
waivers may interact with health reform
Rachel Gerson, JD,
MPH, Associate, Center for Health Law and Economics
UMASS Medical
Here Come the Drones: Telemedicine Drone Projects
and Drones in Healthcare
Kathryn Rattigan, Esq.
& Cole LLP
Networking Break
2:20-3:00 p.m.: Plenary
Privacy of Health Care Information in the
Practice of Law
Constance V. Vecchione, Bar Counsel
of Bar Counsel
Joel Rosen, Esq.
Rosen Law Office
3:00-3:15 p.m.: Closing
Kathryn Rattigan, Esq., Program Co-chair
Robinson & Cole LLP, Providence
Donald Whitmore, Esq., Program Co-chair
DEW Advisory, Weston
Hon. Gregg Pasquale, Panelist
Plymouth Superior Court, Plymouth
Jeffrey N. Catalano, Esq., Panelist
Keches Law Group PC, Milton and Wilmington
Josephine Babiarz, Esq., Panelist
Stephen M. Fiore, Esq., Panelist
Foster & Eldridge LLP, Woburn
Scott Heidorn, Esq., Panelist
Bergstresser & Pollock LLC, Boston
Alice Elizabeth Moore, Esq., Panelist
John W. O'Brien, Esq., Panelist
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Patrick Sheehan, Esq., Panelist
Whatley Kallas, LLP, Boston
Melissa Thompson, Esq., Panelist
Robinson & Cole LLP, Boston
Frank J. Riccio, Esq., Panelist
Law Office of Frank J. Riccio, Braintree
Joel Rosen, Esq., Panelist
Rosen & Goyal PC, Andover
Constance V. Vecchione, Esq., Panelist
Conna Weiner, Esq., Panelist
JAMS, Boston